3 February 2014

Science 12.3 Forests and Forestry

1. Define forest
A collection of trees.

2. Why do trees not grow well beyond the tree line?The winters are to long and the summers too short.
3. List the eight general forest regions of North America
and the major types of trees found in each.

northern coniferous forest : evergreens, hemlock
northern hardwood forest : beech, birch, maple
pacific coast forest : redwoods
central broad-leafed forest : oak, cherry, maple
southern forest : walnut, loblolly pine
coast forest : sequoias, redwoods
tropical forest : mahogany, mangrove
rocky mountain forest : white pine, aspen

4. What percentage of the United States was forest 1630?  1907?
1630=46%  1909=33%


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